Sunday, November 30, 2014

Styles and more

It's been a while since I've added new features to this project. I've been busy launching ChartBull. This weekend i added and changed a few things. Here is a short list:
  • Links to our support forum has been updated. Because about a week ago i dumped the old forum (base on fluxbb) in favor of our own forum software base on YaBoard. The yaboard software is quite old (several years) but still does the job.
  • The " The 10 most recent violations" widget now only displays the first 75 characters of the violation (it did became to long)
  • I've integrated yaboard's way to change css using a browser in undolrn. See the "Styles" item in your Dashboard.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

1.5 minutes near fullscreen movie in a 850kb animated gif

This evening i managed to reduce my animated gif even further, now it is 850kb. I did cut some slow sections where the mouse is only moving. In addition i removed the "tilt" effect and the "pan" effect. Now i'm using my original recording which is crispy clear. Because it is now crispy all lines are not blurred and this resulted in around 500kb smaller size.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Over 2 minute fullscreen movie in a 1.5mb animated gif

I'm quite happy with the compression of animated gifs. I got a 2.5 minute movie of me using chartbull in a animated gif that is less than 1.5mb. Can't get that much of a movie in a 1.5 mb file with any encoding.